(From a song…
Full moon composite photo
(From a song…
Full moon composite photo
Here's a photo-painting of my spooky visitor
This youngster arrived in our yrd a few days ago. After it took off we saw it soaring high in the sky.
A Beautiful Barred Owl was sitting calmly on a branch in our yard a few days ago. It was not afraid of us-in fact it seemed to be curious when it saw us. Even a little sleepy.
Barred Owl
Order early for the holidays! Go over to my “Photography, Music and Art for sale” Page for more details.
Here is the cover for my calendar:
This is the time of year when birds are migrating through Vermont. Most of the warblers are gone, but sparrows are abundant, and some youngsters of various species are still around. Here are some samples. Field Sparrow, Lincoln’s Sparrow, (2), Palm Warbler, Immature Red-winged Blackbird (3), Savannah Sparrow, Female or immature Scarlet Tanager, Swamp Sparrow, Immature White-crowned Sparrow, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Gray Catbird (2), Chipping Sparrow, Eastern Mockingbird, female Purple Finch, and Bald Eagle.
Some of my puzzles are composites of many photographs. I was asked how they were done. Here’s a synopsis I wrote for a friend:
I use photographs or photo-paintings or watercolor paintings that I've created over the past and present 5-10 years. They are all my own work. I have to size the final image to fit the puzzle size requirements-something that can take quite a bit of doing. Then the image goes to a company that prints it onto puzzle pieces and cuts the puzzles. As for the composite puzzle with all those birds, I worked on it for several months off and on. I had to find a background that worked for contrast and interest, and then add more trees and branches, which were "cut" out of another picture in Adobe Photoshop, then "pasted" it where I wanted it. The birds were each put there the same way-quite a tedious job to get all the tiny bits of feathers etc. to cut and paste. Pretty much everything had to be resized as well- the originals were from many different sources and sizes. In the Photoshop application each cut out item is on a separate "layer", like real cut outs, and can be easily moved around, until I "sew" the whole thing together, or in computer speak-"Flatten the image". Then it is converted to appropriate format for the printer/puzzle program.
Here’s a new one I’m working on-I’ll put it up for a virtual puzzle soon, and also for sale. I’ve changed this 1000 piece puzzle since I first made this trial version. It is quite difficult! I will post a revised edition of this one on the virtual puzzle page and it will be for sale soon.
It’s that time of your- local birds are feeding their young, either in the nest or outside. It is a great joy to watch them. Here are some of the photos I got recently-not all top notch, but they show the behavior.
I created a collage of New England birds (likely pretty universal for Eastern USA as well). It can now be purchased as a puzzle- go to my “Photography, Music and Art Page” to purchase.
In addition, during these hard times , I am offering the same puzzle and one other for free to do online. You can find them here:
You can change the number of pieces, look at the photo and move it around, leave and come back, find just the edges...
Enjoy !
I will be adding more puzzles to this blog as I create them.
Stay home and stay well!
A Barred Owl has been hanging around our property lately. We are hearing a lot of owl “talk”- not the usual “who-cooks-for-you”. It is mating season!
A large flock of Common Redpolls have been coming to my feeder area for the last week or so. They are a delight to see. I created a composite of three to make a valentine. The males have “raspberry juice” spilled on their bibs-the females have tidy fronts!
Seen today, February 16 2019 in White River Jct., Vermont. Two immature Bald eagles- interacting in flight- one sitting on a branch earlier.
There have been some interesting birds around this New Year-here are a few. The first 5 are Pine Grosbeaks. They are an “irruptive” species- they come further south than their usual habitat when food is scarce where they usually live. The males are deep red, females have reddish orange heads. Next is a Tree Sparrow, then a male House Sparrow, followed by some Common Goldeneyes. The male is the one with the dark head and white spot on his face. The next 2 show the male Common Goldeneye with Common Females, and one Barrow’s Goldeneye Female, which is highly unusual. She’s the one with the bright yellow beak.
Hummingbird Moths look and act remarkably like real birds. They are beautiful! This is the first one I've ever see-it was in my tars,feeding on a Bee Balm flower. Official name is "Hummingbird Clearwing" (Hemaris thysbe).
These birds are becoming more populous here-perhaps even breeding. Many have been seen this winter...mostly heard, actually, as they prefer the tops of tall conifers. I have seen some near my home and about 3 miles away, on a roadway. The closer shots of the redder bird are of a male on the roadway, the more distant shots are a female at my home.
My photo of a young fox was the winner in a photo challenge on the Viewbug photography site. You can see it here: